Sometimes, the booking owner's details may need to be updated. Here's how to handle this for different types of bookings with Indie Campers.
Indie Campers Bookings:
There are two scenarios for updating booking details:
Before Document/Persona Verification:
- If you need to update the booking owner before document/persona verification, please contact our customer support team by typing "talk to an agent" in our chat. Be sure to provide all the new booking owner's details.
After Document/Persona Verification and Before Pick-Up:
- If the update is needed after document/persona verification but before pick-up, contact our customer support team via chat by typing "talk to an agent." In addition to providing the new booking owner's details, you will receive a link to the Persona tool to complete the new document verification process. For more information about Persona, please visit What is Persona verification? Troubleshooting and how does it work?
Marketplace Bookings:
There are two scenarios for updating booking details:
Before document validation:
- If you need to update the booking owner before document/persona verification, please contact our customer support team by typing "talk to an agent" in our chat. Be sure to provide all the new booking owner's details.
After document validation and before pick-up:
- If you need to update the booking owner after document validation but before pick-up, please reach out to our customer support team by typing "talk to an agent" in our chat. You'll need to provide all the new booking owner's details, including photos of their license and ID. Additional documents may be requested at this stage. For more details on document validation in Marketplace bookings, please visit How does Insurance work in the campervan Marketplace?
Note: Changes after pick-up are not allowed, as all documentation, including the rental agreement, has already been issued with the original booking owner's details.