Are you looking for assistance? We’re here for you and can guide you through the booking process or while on the road. Reach our dedicated team via chat or phone.
Please find below the most appropriate means of contact:
Chat 24/7
On the website (bottom-right corner) our chat widget is available 24/7 in any language. Pictures, screenshots, locations and more capabilities are supported by chat.
Note: After a quick triage information or a IndieCampers representative will join the conversation with you.
For customers and booking inquiries please fill out the "Submit a request".
If you need any assistance regarding your RV, you can contact us at:
Other inquiries
Find below the email addresses for our different departments. Please only contact those most relevant to your request:
For strategic partnerships
For affiliate partnerships
For Brand, Influencer & Content Creation Collaborations
For RV hosts
Careers and jobs at Indie Campers
For buying a campervan