For Indie Campers Bookings
The generator policy applies for all models in the IndieCampers fleet that are delivered with a generator: Solis Air, Four Winds, Four Winds Plus, Conquest and Conquest Plus.
- Some vehicle models have a gas generator that fuels the air-conditioner. The consumption of this gas is not included in any rental, thus, for the applicable vehicle models, the value of the fee per hour of usage, as determined by an installed running time meter, is communicated during the booking process.
- The generator's autonomy hours will be logged when the vehicle is delivered and, upon its return, its autonomy will be checked again. The Hirer will be charged $3.50 USD for each hour consumed.
- The Hirer acknowledges that they are responsible for any cost associated with the use of the incorrect LPG fuel type.
For reference, the autonomy hours at check-in are recorded on the contract (first page of the rental agreement).
For Marketplace Bookings
For marketplace bookings, there may be an additional fee for generator usage. Please contact the host to clarify if any fee may apply to your rental.
Note: For more information about Generator policy, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.